Name | Cavern Angels Zealot |
Name (xws) | cavernangelszealot |
Name (short) | Cavern Angels Zlt |
Is Unique | No |
Faction | Rebel |
SubFaction | Rebel Alliance |
Ship | X-Wing |
Cost | 22 |
Skill | 1 |
Attack | 3 |
Agility | 2 |
Hull | 3 |
Shield | 2 |
Has Ability | No |
Text | Unlike most Rebel cells, Saw Gerrera's partisans are willing to use extreme methods to undermine the Galactic Empire's objectives in brutal battles that raged from Geonosis to Jedha. |
Actions | f l |
Upgrades | mtEPA |
Availability | Saw's Renegades Expansion Pack |