built: 2023.07.08 09:31:13

Name Intensity
Name (xws) intensity
Name (short) Intensity
Type Elite Pilot Talent
Is Unique No
Is Limited No
Cost 2
Restriction Small ship only. Dual card.
Text After you perform a boost or barrel roll action, you may assign 1 focus or evade token to your ship. If you do, flip this card.
Availability TIE Aggressor Expansion Pack

Name Intensity (Exhausted)
Name (xws) intensity
Name (short) Intensity (Ex)
Type Elite Pilot Talent
Is Unique No
Is Limited No
Cost 2
Restriction Small ship only. Dual card.
Text At the end of the Combat phase, you may spend 1 focus or evade token to flip this card.
Availability TIE Aggressor Expansion Pack

[View as card]