built: 2023.07.08 09:31:13

oYT-2400 Light Freighter
4 8 2
3 4 7 8 9 6
2 4 7 8 9 6
1 4 7 8 9 6

Sensor Blindspot While you perform a primary attack at attack range 0-1, do not apply the range 0-1 bonus and roll 1 fewer attack die.
o ! 5 uDash Rendar 79
q4 2 6 4
flrR EMWWImt Sensor Blindspot While you move, you ignore obstacles.
o ! 3 u"Leebo" 72
q4 2 6 4
alrR EMIImt Sensor Blindspot After you defend or perform an attack, if you spent a calculate token, gain 1 calculate token.
o ! 1 Wild Space Fringer 72
q4 2 6 4
flrR MWWImt Sensor Blindspot Although stock YT-2400 light freighters have plenty of room for cargo, that space is often annexed to support modified weapon systems and oversized engines.