built: 2023.07.08 09:31:13

lLambda-class T-4a Shuttle
3 7 8 9
2 4 7 8 9 6
1 7 8 9
0 5

l @ 4 uCaptain Kagi 47
1 6 4
fioj SCWWmt At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 or more friendly ships at range 0-3. If you do, transfer all enemy lock tokens from the chosen ships to you.
l @ 3 uColonel Jendon 49
1 6 4 2
fioj SCWWmt At the start of the Activation Phase, you may spend 1 g. If you do, while friendly ships acquire locks this round, they must acquire locks beyond range 3 instead of at range 0-3.
l @ 3 uLieutenant Sai 46
1 6 4
fioj SCWWmt After you a perform a o action, if the ship you chose performed an action on your action bar, you may perform that action.
l @ 1 Omicron Group Pilot 41
1 6 4
fioj SCWWmt Noted for its tri-wing design and advanced sensor suite, the Lambda-class shuttle serves a critical role as a light utility craft in the Imperial Navy.