Command Deck Breach |
Ship |
Place 1 W and 1 T Upgrade card equipped to this section under this card if able. You cannot use those Upgrade cards while this card is faceup. Energy: Spend 3 energy to flip this card facedown.
Comms Failure |
Ship |
You cannot perform the coordinate action. Action: Roll 1 attack die. On a d or {FOCUE} result, flip this card facedown.
Deck Breach |
Ship |
Place 1 of the Upgrade cards equipped to this section under this card. You cannot use that Upgrade card while this card is faceup. Energy: Spend 2 energy to flip this card facedown. |
Life Support Failure |
Ship |
Discard 1 of the T Upgrade cards equipped to this section. Then flip this card facedown.
Misfiring Thrusters |
Ship |
During the Planning phase, assign your chosen maneuver faceup. Energy: Spend 1 energy to roll 1 attack die. On a d or c result, flip this card facedown.
Scrambled Scopes |
Ship |
You cannot perform the target lock action or acquire a target lock. Action: Roll 1 attack die. On a d or c result, flip this card facedown.
Structural Collapse |
Ship |
Deal 2 facedown Damage cards to the fore section. Then flip this card facedown. |
Weapon Damaged |
Ship |
Place 1 of the H Upgrade cards equipped to this section under this card. You cannot use that Upgrade card while this card is faceup. Energy: Spend 3 energy to flip this card facedown.