Initiative | e77e29 | |
Cost | 41bef0 | |
Attack | ed3638 | |
Agility | 6abe46 | |
Hull | f0e531 | |
Shield | 82d1e1 | |
Charge | fdbf10 | |
Force | c4a0ca | |
Energy | e71583 | |
Stress | ec1f21 | |
Neutral | ffffff | |
Destress | 1e90ff | |
Rebel (Fore) | cb120e | |
Rebel (Back) | b3b5ad | |
Imperial (Fore) | d6d6dd | |
Imperial (Back) | 204e78 | |
Scum (Fore) | b3b5ad | |
Scum (Back) | 253a21 | |
Resistance (Fore) | d87325 | |
Resistance (Back) | 404040 | |
FirstOrder (Fore) | b42828 | |
FirstOrder (Back) | 393a39 | |
Republic (Fore) | eff3f3 | |
Republic (Back) | 6c160f | |
Separatist (Fore) | 20308d | |
Separatist (Back) | d6d8d7 | |
Rebel Arc (Light) | df1e25 | |
Rebel Arc (Dark) | 3a1212 | |
Imperial Arc (Light) | 6bb945 | |
Imperial Arc (Dark) | 12391d | |
Scum Arc (Light) | f4d118 | |
Scum Arc (Dark) | 3e3415 | |
Resistance Arc (Light) | e02027 | |
Resistance Arc (Dark) | 331111 | |
FirstOrder Arc (Light) | 64b646 | |
FirstOrder Arc (Dark) | 12371c | |
Republic Arc (Light) | 4faddd | |
Republic Arc (Dark) | 174661 | |
Separatist Arc (Light) | f59d29 | |
Separatist Arc (Dark) | 793d1a | |
Rebel Dial | 822819 | |
Imperial Dial | 35393d | |
Scum Dial | 3f3a27 | |
Resistance Dial | e5653a | |
First Order Dial | 32291f |
These come from a number of sources, including the official squadbuilder site, images from official site, and scans I made. If you have more accurate colors or additional ones that I forgot, please let me know! :)